A Community Gathering at River Run Farm
Hear from the speakers:
- Jane Iredale, Lead Donor
- Molly Comstock, Owner of Colfax Farm
- Anna Houston, Co-Owner of Off the Shelf Farm
- Sarah Downie, Vice President of Berkshire Community Land Trust
- Will Conklin, Executive Director of Greenagers
- Lily Massee, Public Programming Associate at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics
Pictures from the Gathering

Over two hundred community members turned out on May 19th to celebrate River Run Farm, the first site designated for Farmsteads for Farmers. The gathering featured remarks from key organizers and a tree planting ceremony to highlight community-held land and our vibrant local food economy.
There were locally-made empanadas and tamales, fresh golden milk lattes from No Comply Foods, wagon ride tours, and materials from over 15 sponsors of the event.
This site will make visible how a community of concerned citizens, working with the B.C.L.T., can create permanent, affordable access to land and housing for local farmers while supporting the health and beauty of the farmstead.
Event Sponsors:
- Off the Shelf Farm
- Greenagers
- BerkShares
- Berkshire Natural Resources Council
- The Nature Conservancy
- Sheffield Farmers Market
- No Comply Foods
- Sheffield Land Trust
- Berkshire Agricultural Ventures
- Berkshire Grown
- Great Barrington Farmers Market
- Greenagers
- American Farmland Trust
- Great Barrington Land Conservancy
- Egremont Land Trust
- The Schumacher Center